Legal Notice
In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of the law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform you that:
This website is published by STP EMC GROUP
S.A.R.L with capital of 50 000,00 €
163 impasse of the Teura
38190 BERNIN
la France
SIRET 49165490100033
APE Electronic Components Manufacturing (2611Z)
The publication director of the website “” is in the capacity of Manager Eric Vignard.
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We inform users that all elements of the Site:
- is protected by copyright legislation: this may include photographs, drawings, sequences, phonograms, music videos, …;
- is protected by the law on the marks: it can be in particular the logos, symbols, …
The rights to these elements are reserved. Accordingly, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialization, partial or complete by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, …) are prohibited without the prior written permission of author (s), subject to the exceptions referred to in Article L122.5 of the Code of Intellectual Property, under penalty of constituting an offense of infringement of copyright and / or designs and / or trademark punished with two years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000.
The brands of the software that may be displayed on the Site are the property of the companies that operate them, and they may not be exploited without the prior written consent of the owner of the said marks. These programs are protected by copyright and assume for their use the conclusion of a license agreement directly between their owner and the user.
The publisher of the site can not be held responsible for technical problems encountered on the site. The publisher of the site can not be held responsible for problems encountered on all other sites to which links are established, or any other information published on these sites, as well as the consequences of their use.
In application of the law Informatique et Libertés of January 6, 1978 and in accordance with the provisions of the law of the n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition on the nominative data about you. To exercise this right, please contact:
163 impasse of the Teura
38190 BERNIN
la France
Tel: +33 (0) 4 76 45 69 25
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